Common problems when ordering keys


for help identifying your brand see "which brand do i have "

Several different companies use the same numbers

 for their locks & keys 

BUT the keys are totally different 

 here is an example  








6 different locks

with 6 totally different keys


they all have the same key & Lock #

(# K113 in this example ) 




Commodor Plunger lock  K113





Kimbal Lock  K113



Dom Reff lock K113

 from germany  

go to Reff Knoll



Storwall lock  K113








Knoll K113 lock 

go to Knoll Reff page



Lock numbers are upside down half the time

because the lock turns  

M looks like W

6 looks like 9



Knowing the brand helps solve some of this confusion

also knowing if the key is "single sided " or" double sided" helps  

Single sided                                            Double sided


